It’s been later in my life that I’ve discovered adventure. In December of 2018 I went to Africa for the first time. I was in Kenya for ten days and had an incredible experience working with the Sheldrik Wildlife Trust in Nairobi and Tsavo East National Park. We spent time with orphaned elephants who were being reintroduced into the wild! The Sheldrik Trust does incredible work. I highly suggest you check them out.
This past February (2019) I traveled to South Africa to work with the Global White Lion Protection Trust and this was a whole other level of adventure. From helping out during a wildebeest release to watching a chameleon cross the road to traveling to Krueger National Park for a weekend of exploration … adventure seemed around every corner. Culture shock, heat, true wild nature, and time with a wide variety of people of all backgrounds, cultures, and color left me floored, speechless, and full on wonder.
Do you know this feeling? This feeling of adventure?
So I wrote a piece all about adventure. Adventure is like jumping into a cold sea. Adventure is a force. And adventure brings about change and clarity and promise. So, to all you adventurers out there (and those who want to try her on:) … check this out:
A is for Adventure
Adventure is a rush. Adventure involves risk. Like walking in the woods on a wicked windy day. Or saying yes to someone you love with all your heart.
Adventure isn’t always fun or safe or easy. But adventure is an amazing lover and sometimes, when luck is with you, can liberate you, exhilarate you, and bring on the fun.
Adventure teaches you about hidden aspects of yourself.
Like a house with thousands of rooms; oh she takes time to explore…
Adventure is lively. And varies from person to person. Sometimes you need more risk the more you engage with Adventure. Less gear. Less preparation.
Adventure will leave you wet and sleeping in a ditch only to have you dine on pancakes with the mayor or Reykjavik the next day.
Adventure is a muse. She whispers:
Get up, move, see the sunset, find the key, kiss him (or her), satiate your hunger for life.
Then Rest comes in. Oh welcome Rest. She gives you a hug and a warm nap in the sand.
Adventure dreams big and small. She doesn’t care. What quickens your blood, she asks? Where do you feel truly alive? What are your hopes and dreams and do you have the heart and guts to do your part?
“I’m not your mama”, Adventure says. “I’m not here to ease your pain, per-se. I’m here to show you the world. How far are you willing to go?”
Take my hand
Leap again
Adventure just wants you to say yes. But she’s always clear:
“It’s your choice,” she says with her hand on her hip, “and yours alone.” Then she smiles and turns on her way, as she always does, as she always will.