The Most Vivid Dream

Have you ever been touched deeply by a dream? I awoke one early Spring morning to fresh snow and a telephone call that my work (playing with children in the outdoors) was cancelled. As I hung up the sun streamed in through big windows illuminating my bed and brightening the white of the snow on the balcony. It felt good.

I lay there day dreaming and then I was asleep; the transition back to dreaming smooth.

I was high up, in a very tall building and from that building I could see all around me. The land was patchworked; in all directions there were greens and browns separated by stone and then the ocean, a bit misty, in the distance.

And the sky. The sky was the most vivid cornflower blue. And all around me in that sky were dandelion seed heads, floating. Suspended in color.

Close-up of a woman blowing seeds off of a dandelion head

I don’t know how long I stayed there immersed in this place, but it felt timeless. When I awoke it was seemless. I slid from cornflower to warm sunshine and snow. My eyes opened. That never happens. I’m usually jolted out of dreams or have trouble remembering them at first. This one was a gift. I felt indescribably happy.

This dream came to me right before my first trip to Ireland. I had a feeling back then that Ireland was like a home for my heart. The amount of synchronicity and good cheer I received before my departure was astounding. When that most vivid dream came I knew, ever deeper, that something magical was going to happen on my journey.

And it did. Over and over again.

As I traveled in Ireland images from my dream both came to me and were created by me. From these experiences Retreat to Ireland was born. And I want to share the pure magic of letting go and letting life in with you. This is so easy to access in travel. Once you’ve got the good feelings flowing again the next part is to take them home with you and infuse them into your daily routines. This process can be more, challenging.

A trip or vacation helps you to access a freer way of being and drink it into your cell tissue. You then have the opportunity to take this home and, using some specific tools, allow it to seep into your life. I will share these tools on the retreat.

Here is my promise. If you come with me, you and your life will never be the same.

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