It’s All About Whiskey!

My friend Rosalee (who just wrote her first book about herbs which I LOVE) was a guest and part-time instructor at Retreat to Ireland 2017. I met her at the airport a few days before the Retreat started and we didn’t stop talking until all the participants arrived:) Some people say we look like sisters. What do you think?

A picture of two women smiling

Anyway as we caught up and continued planning for the retreat we discussed a very important topic:

Wild-crafted Cocktail Night…

That’s when Rosalee told me about Elderberry syrup and whiskey cocktails…

I’m not sure what your reaction would be to those two components coming together for a drink, but me? My face twisted in what one could only describe as an expression of disgust. That’s why when we actually MADE them I was truly surprised to find out that they are delicious!

As many of you know, Elderberries are a food-like herb that are great for your immune system.

And in Ireland, whiskey is considered a cure for the common cold:)

No scientific studies have been done regarding the benefits of combining these two ancient elixirs, but I will say, no one on the retreat got a cold!

So without further ado, here’s the recipe for what I’ve lovingly named the Elderberry Whiskey What?! Cocktails.

First you’ll need to make your own elderberry syrup. There are tons of recipes on the internet. Or you may have your own. Do a search and find one you like.

Next step…set up your own bar:)

Homemade bar with lots of fruit and flowers

-1.5 ounces of Irish Whiskey (we used West Cork Whiskey)
-1 ounce of Elderberry Syrup
-0.5 ounces of fresh lemon juice
-Blackberries & 1 freshly picked Passionflower for garnish

How to
Combine the whiskey, syrup, and lemon juice into a cocktail shaker with some small ice cubes and shake, shake, shake it! Pour into your cocktail glass of choice and garnish as you or the hedgerows see fit.


Thanks to Colleen O’Bryant of Wild Roots Apothecary for this recipe!

What do you think? Have you ever tried such a cocktail? What’s your favorite elderberry syrup recipe? Leave a comment below and let us know!

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